Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Esha
Begins 003:32 13:15 18:31 21:02 22:08
Juma'ah 004:30 13:30 19:15 21:02 22:30

AMIC Fundraising Campaign

The Ultimate Ongoing Reward

Building the House of Allah is a wonderful form of Sadaqah Jariyah (continuing charity) which will benefit us and our loved ones long after we have passed.

“Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure, Allah builds for him the like of it in paradise.”

`{`Sahih Bukhari`}`

Final Phase Refurbishment Works Appeal

Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah, the refurbishment of the first floor including the building of 2 new staircases (South & West), newly installed lift and new wudhu area has now been completed (Phase 7). This has only been possible with your considerable support enthusiasm and Dua’s for the Project.

The refurbishment works of the ground floor (final Phase 8) has commenced. The estimated cost for this final phase is £400,000. We can raise this amount insha’Allah, by breaking it down as:

277 Musallah spaces –  £1,000 each

6 Wudhu spaces –  £8,000 each

Kitchen –  £50,000

Library & Classrooms –  £25,000

Musallah Space - £1,000

Donate towards a Musallah space in the Masjid for yourself, your parents or anyone else and gain continuous reward for the prayers in the Masjid.

AMIC Donors Memorial Wall

A permanent feature to be created within the Masjid with the beautiful Islamic art. Donations of £1,000 or more will be acknowledged, on a tile with the name of the donor, of a deceased family member, a loved one and become part of the history of the Masjid.

Set up a Standing Order

To develop and sustain a well run Masjid we need your help financially. Your donations are very important to ensure the well-being of the Mosque in terms of meeting its refurbishment and the ongoing operational costs. We do not receive any funding apart from generous donations from persons such as yourselves and the success is with Allah.

Best way to donate is to set up standing order with regular giving.

If you have online banking then you can set up Standing Order using the Masjid details below or set up a standing order, by downloading and completing this form

Set up a Standing Order or Bank Transfer:

Account name: Aisha Masjid and Islamic Centre

Sort code: 20-71-03

Account no: 43189171